Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of Queensland in 2003, the High Court of Australia, and a registered legal practitioner of the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory.
Focused on matters related to land, property and commerce, planning and environment, building disputes, contract law, construction law, commercial and retail leases, land title and valuation, corporations and consumer law, government tendering and body corporate law.
Expertise in property and commercial law has resulted in advices and appearances concerning planning and development applications, environmental challenges, retail leases, commercial leases, franchise disputes (body corporate disputes), business contracts, and both commercial and residential building disputes (including 'Building & Construction Industry Payments Act' (BCIPA) applications, trials and appeals - now the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payments) Act 2017).
In the appellate jurisdictions appearance before the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court, Supreme Court, District Court, and the Land and Resources Tribunal. Lindsey has conducted trials/hearings before the Magistrates Court, Commercial and Consumer Tribunal (CCT), the Queensland Commercial Administration Tribunal (QCAT), the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, the District and Supreme Courts, the Federal Magistrates Court and the NSW Industrial Relations Commission. The successful appearance before the Court of Appeal in the matter of RJ Neller Building Pty Ltd v Ainsworth [2008] QCA 397 was reported in The Queensland Reports [2009] 1 QDR 390.
Conducted negotiations and mediation before the Supreme Court, the Planning and Environment Court, the District Court and the CCT and QCAT.
State government departments, local government, government owned corporations, private corporations and federal government agencies. As Managing Director of Argus Probity and Procurement Pty Ltd, practises on the Panel of External Probity Auditors and Advisors for Procurement (Standing Offer Arrangement QGP0050-18) for the Whole of Government in Queensland, and to the NSW Government (SCM0005) Performance and Management Services Panel for Probity Advisory and Audit Services. Services to the above include preparation of probity plans, advising on procurement/tender practices and major 'alliances', conducting audit reviews of process, and attending government tender assessment panels. A proven in-depth knowledge of the applicable law, and policies.
Published in the Australian Law Journal, Australian Property Law Journal and Journal of the Queensland Planning Profession and presented papers on behalf of the Queensland Law Society, the Queensland Environmental Law Association, the Television Education Network and Legalwise Seminars.
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